Friday, June 23, 2017

Religious People Say the Dumbest Things( Part 300)

1.  Roy Masters  the leader of the self styled Fhu cult within a cult once said, to paraphrase, God made sex exciting for man because he knew that otherwise he  would fall down on the job of perpetuating the human race. Note that having children is not seen as what  it is, namely  a profoundly  selfish act done for the benefit of the parents but as an altruistic self sacrificing collectivistic duty and chore of man to replenish the human  race. Note also that there is no reference in the Bible to this motivation  of God's cited by Masters and it is just yet another bizarre concoction created by him out of thin air. (As there are so many fantastic unbelievable events and claims documented in the Good Book  one would not have thought there was any need to invent yet more but there we are).

2. Another gem from Roy as his craven supporters love to call him: Christians have to be burried so that if they are brought back from the dead they are more or less intact whereas if they were cremated how could they be reconstructed . Youwhat?! The God that can perform mind blowing miracles too many to enumerate here is going to have problems reconstituting a pile of ashes back to its former human form and state? Really? Having swallowed a camel you are going to strain at a gnat? In the words of the late great Christopher Hitchens, don't waste my time with such nonsense!

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