Friday, February 13, 2015

Tax avoidance and evasion is Moral

The sheer scale of tax avoidance and evasion in the UK is proof positive that the tax levels are  prohibitive and punitive and gives the lie to the gov propaganda that they are competitive and reasonable.The thriving black economy further illustrates this with people who have little disposable income having to resort to avoidance and evasive methods to circumvent the greed and insatiable appetite and invasive depradations of the British tax system.

The tax zealots who see taxation as a  weapon to punish the productive and industrious seek to position themselves on the moral highground but it is the twisted perverted moral inverted universe occupied by all mafia outfits and criminal gangs who seek to justify their parasitic predatory operations with a pseudo moralistic front.

There is nothing moral whatsoever in the State stealing and plundering from the producers via taxation to redistribute to the non producers in order to grub for votes from the non working welfare classes to gain political power.This is corruption and extortion on an industrial scale by a ruling kleptocratic class all done through the poisoned channels of the democratic process and the ballot box illustrating once again the essential amoral depravity at the rotten heart of democracy.

At both ends of the income scale there is a covert revolt against the political taxing  elites and they should join together in commonality and begin an organised revolt against the parasitic predatory political ruling class of thieves and bandits all seemingly united and driven by a pathological ideological hatred of trade,commerce,industry success and capitalism.

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