Sunday, February 01, 2015

Greece, the EU and the UK Left's Hypocrisy

Funny how here in the UK anyone who dared to challenge the supreme wisdom of the the EU and all its works over the decades has been branded variously by the British Left establishment as the devil incarnate,'little Englanders,racists,bigots,'anti Europeans' and altogether socially, morally and intellectually beyond the pale.Yet when a bunch of extreme Left/Communists/ hooligans in Greece decide to confront and challenge the EU grand   project  there is not a peep from the UK left.Suddenly its the brave and plucky Greeks against  the cruel apparatchiks of Brussels.Albeit self awareness has never been one of the Left's strong points,the rest of us are surely entitled to marvel and reflect on the sheer brazen hypocrisy and double standards from them on this issue.

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