Thursday, February 05, 2015

Is this all there is?

It is often said by those of faith that man cannot live by bread alone and needs a spiritual side to his nature and not just an arrid materialism.This is to misrepresent those who live by reason as the spiritual and transcendent for them can be expressed in art,music,literature,relationships etc.One can marvel and appreciate nature in all its manifestations without thinking it is the creation of a mystical entity from another dimension.

For those governed by reason the spiritual is the mind and all that can be achieved by it and its unlimited potential and capacity.There is a certain malevolence and belittling of human achievement in the religious whine of 'is this all there is' as if all the vast possibilites of the human conciousness were somehow of naught and to be derided as the pathetic attempts of human beings to be the architects of their own destiny,to be beings of a self made soul which is manifestly what we are.

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