Thursday, February 05, 2015

Mythologising Left

How many times do we hear the phrase global capitalism trip glibly from the lips of the left as if it were an actual fact rather than a created myth.It seems incapable of honest debate and has to conjur up fictions and pedal misrepresentations to gain support from an already credulous public.

It is no accident that the economic crash of 07/8 occurred in the most heavily state regulated markets namely banking and housing.It was gov that strong armed the banks into lending to those who had no visible means of paying back the money and even had an agency in Fannie May expressly designed to that end.When everything fell apart the state then declared there to be a failure of capitalism and unleashed another avalanche of regulation!

Global capitalism, another paper tiger of the left that is ripe for the shredder. For such a defintion to be accurate there would have to be a total absence of taxation and regulation rather than the mixed economy confection we see globally.

And let us not forget that the cause of the housing shortage in the UK and many other countries is again down to state interference as the planning laws are so onerous,the bureaucratic paper trail so tortuous that an artificial shortage has been created, compounded by green belt preservation restrictions and the state monopoly of land which it has no business owning.If such restrictions were lifted and a truly free market of land and property unleashed there would be an abudance of housing for all who required it rather than the present state induced scarcity.

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