Sunday, February 08, 2015

Left un thought crime

Chalked mesages on the pavement outside a local library included such gems as 'books not war' and 'keep books free' and other such doggerel serving to illustrate  one of the salient features of the left namely its sloganeering that succeeds in bipassing the conscious   part of the brain which is a key part of its attraction for those who prefer to emote than reason.

Such an approach leaves the door wide open for demagoguery and downright lying of course -' keep books free' being a case in point.Someone is paying for them,they are not free.This is not just sloppy language but intentional deception.The essential infantilism of the left is exposed as like children they demand things imperiously and will brook no dissent.Ends are divorced from means and instant gratification is demanded accompanied by histrionics and threats if the demands are not met.A self righteous tone of course goes with the territory.

The eternal appeal of the demagogue is to make the unreasonable sound reasonable.Leftism, will never go away, alas.

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