Sunday, February 15, 2015

Russia the new Fascist frontier

There are not many countries that go from communism to fascism without  missing a beat but Russia has achieved this illustrating perhaps the fundamental commonalites between the two collectivst ideologies.The common characteristic of kleptocracy are key.As Russia slides inexorably towards full blown fascist dictatorship its borders seek to expand exponentially as it demands more territory to feed its voracious appetite for human and natural resources and to deflect attention away from its totalitarian internal policies by creating a common enemy of the other which is the eternal appeal of nationalism.

There are as ever always useful idiots among the perpetually aggrieved pseudo  intellectual classes who will lend their voice to the totalitarian beast in this case Putin's Russia and will protstitute what little intelligence they have to the service of the propaganda lie machine and these can be seen whoring their dubious talents on State run Soviet RT broadcast throughout Western Europe spewing out a steady stream of anti Western anti American propaganda and notable amongst these are the  noisome oleaginous soviet lickspittle George Galloway and Max Keiser,and Stacy Herbert and a whole host of pro Putin votaries towing the party line for financial emolument.

Russia's incurson into the Ukraine and its brazen annexation of Crimea are Hitleresque in scope and kind but do not warrant NATO involvement,the latter organization well past its sell by date but moral opprobrium heaped on Putin and ostracism will be a far more effective tool against this maladroit 20th century gargoyle.

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