Friday, February 20, 2015

Oborne Legacy

Peter Oborne's departure or self regarding flounce from the Telegraph on the  grounds of the latter's  non coverage of the left wing media contrived HSBC story is neither regrettable or surprising as this rabid left wing tory has always expressed an unconcelaed hatred of capitalism and perhaps can now enjoy a position at the Guardian or Independent where I predict he will end up and where he undoubtedly belongs.

The paper in its editorial takes a well justified swipe at the BBC and other hypocritical news outlets with their tendentious anti capitalist propaganda which in the case of the BBC of course is funded out of a State imposition of tax re the TV licence fee which people have to pay on pain of imprisonment.

Steve Hewlet the BBC's resident leftie media reporter did a critical piece on the Telegraph on radio 4 Today prog which was characteristically biased and abusive toward the Telegraph and as we are all forced to pay the lefty lickspittle's wages it is surely the licence payers who should feel justifiably aggrieved at this intolerable and morally untenable imposition.

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