Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The Seductive Allure Of Conspiracy Theories

Re my last post and the furore it sparked on the Keiser site it has got me thinking about why conspiracy theories are so compelling to so many and I think in part it has got something to do with the decline of organised religion.People seem to be hard wired in their need for simple explanations that will resolve the complexities of life and they also require the Armageddon factor, an obvious throwback to religion.The end is nigh - and the banksters are to blame!It gives them a focus for their rage.

Conspiracy theories tend to attrtact those unhappy with their lot in life.Now they have someone to blame,a focal point for their hitherto unfocused rage.There appears to be a need for a hate figure.This is the theme of Orwell's 1984 and the State recognising this gives them four minutes of hate where they can rail and vent against the hated figure on the screen.

Once people have been captured by these false salvation artists they will go to any lengths to defend their false belief and will not take kindly to anyone who exposes the ridicuous figure behind the curtain pulling their strings whether it be an Icke, Keiser or whoever

(Footnote.I normally get 25 visitors to this obscure site.In the last 24 hours or less I have got One Thousand,yes,1000!It was not my intention but can't pretend am not pleased!)

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