Sunday, September 09, 2012

Conservatism: No Such Thing As Individualism!

In the Deep End section of Conhome is an article repudiating Conservative support of individualism and it is a must read for all those who mistakenly hold that Conservatism and individualism are synonymous or in any way compatible.Of course being a Conservative attempt at 'philosophy' it serves up the usual mush of confused ideas in an almost deliberate attempt to obfuscate and confound the issue but if you are expert as I have become in decoding Conservative-speak the implications of said article are clear enough.Once individualism is obliquely critiqued in this fashion the way lies open for Conservatives to justify State intervention and big government solutions be it in taxation,regulation and general all round State meddling.Belittling and downgrading the role of individualism in the context of freedom cannot but have this corollary.

This is one more floating of trial balloons for Conservatism in its steady inexorable drift to the Left and should surely serve as a warning and reminder to any prospective Conservative voters that a vote for this party is a vote for more State,more controls and more government.

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