Friday, September 07, 2012

Rabid Obummer Demagoguery

Obama represents the phenomena of the mountebank in its most advanced form and it is exceedingly depressing that according to polls at least half the American electorate would like to see him remain in the White house.Public 'education' has certainly done its job on them.He was at his usual and customary sociopathic Elmer Gantry tricks at the Democratic convention yesterday,seeking to promote his toxic and insidous un American message of envy and division along Marxist lines, manipulating base instincts and deploying his acquired sociopathic tools of plausibility and dissimulation to that end.

For all his many faults at least Clinton did not bankrupt the country in pursuit of his ideological goals.This president has no such qualms and only a return to sanity by the electorate in Novemeber with a swing to Romney will assure that he does not succeed.

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