Sunday, September 30, 2012

Religion And Its Psychopathology

Someone asserts on his blog that religion is the bedrock of the rule of law.Bizarre when you consider that if you tried to count how many people have been slaughtered in the name of religion you would not know where to begin and it would never end.The only reason most people no longer kill in the name of Christianity is because it has lost its power over the people,its day has gone and it has been supplanted by another religion doing the same old things it used to do namely Izlam.

Still, where Christianity does still exert power it uses it to abuse children and then seek to cover its tracks re the catholic church revelations scandal.Human beings seem to have the need to tell themselves fairy tales written in their DNA,every race and nation under the sun has its own religion,Gods,God,myths,shibboleths and one's religion is almost entirely based on geographical circumstance: if you are in China you are Buddhist,India-Hindu,Israel-Jewish and so it goes.

Then we have sectionalism.The last time anyone counted there were two thousand Christian sects alone and they each claim they are the true and only one.Human beings seem as I say to have been telling each other tall tales since the earliest recording of mankind,libraries are full of books,replete to the rafters of tales,myths,fables,allegories.Its what humans do.Even the Bible turns out to be a plagiarisation of previous texts which featured tales of floods,virgin births,resurrections etc.

Mainly religion is and always has been about the power to control others through fear,the Churches were the first instance of totalitarianism and it was about controlling people in this life by threatening them with hellfire in the next if they did not fall in line.Human beings do have the capacity to be irrational,to be riven with superstition and they embrace the supernatural to avoid having to take responsibility for their own actions,it is an act of moral abnegation and thus in essence the ultimate moral depravity.

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