Friday, September 28, 2012

Hitler Speaks At The UN

Armadinnerjacket comes to the UN,makes his customary anti semitic death to Israel rant and America does -Nothing! This Hitler is on American soil.Why don't they arrest him,charge him with war crimes,cart him off to Guatanamo,torture and execute him? America is in paralysis mode.Instead of being behind Israel it gives the Iranians all the time they need to secure their nuclear facilities.Strike while the Iran is hot should be the watchword but of course with Obummer in charge it's all systems stop.

Meanwhile the minister for railways in Pakistan puts a fatwa on the film maker who brought us the much appreciated anti Mohumud youtube and the world does Nothing.Surely this imbecile should at least be drone-targetted?

And now this craven appeasement to evil even manifests itself in the Daily Mail of all places.Another customary attack on Salman Rushdie for daring to write Satanic Verses just to draw attention to himself as the journalist claims and bemoans how it cost the UK £13 million to protect Rushdie from the fatwa.No it cost far more than that.By refusing to take Iran on for defacto declaring war against the UK Iran was emboldened and a fairly straight line can be drawn from that appeasement to 9/11.The Rushdie affair and the mishandling therof cost the world dear and continues to do so to this very day for shame.

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