Saturday, September 29, 2012

Peter Hitchens Channels Marx

It's good to have these things out in the open rather than subject to speculation and supposition but even I am quite shocked by Peter Hitchen's latest essay into Marxist thought on his Mail blog where he quotes Marx at length in what can only be described as a rant and harrangue against Capitalist progress and innovation and Peter marvels at its prophetic nature.Peter hates progress too you see and would rather we went back to a pre industrial idlyl presumably where there are no horrible cars, people go around on bicycles -his favourite mode of transport,there is no pollution,folk know their place and go in fear and trembling of the Lord and there are definitely NO Sunday opening laws.

With his desire for rail nationalisation and all of the above it is hard to see how even the broad church of Conservatism would find room for the likes of the delightfully batty and eccentric Mr Hitchens but as he is a self confessed ex Trotskyite now-Conservative one is left marvelling on the profound inefficacy of his conversion.

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