Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Compassion By Proxy

I've spoken in the past about a favourite political pastime I have termed 'vicarious philanthropy',ie the giving away of other people's money in welfare or foreign aid.It is the stock in trade of all corrupt politicians who like to cut a moral dash on the political stage and win votes by vying with their opponents as to who can give the greatest amount of others people's money away.It is such an obscene evil it is hard to get one's head around the kind of amoral vacuum that the perpetrators of this fraud must inhabit.

In order for this organised looting of the people to be pulled off successfully it has to be accompanied by an artfully constructed language of morality so such words as compassion are deployed thus making it hard for any opponents of this wholesale plunder to oppose it on moral grounds.It will follow as night follows day that any abuse of freedoms by a government on its people will be automatically accompanied by an abuse of the english language in order to facilitate the smooth execution of said abuse and so is it here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The phrase “proxy witness” is first developed in Susan Gubar’s Poetry after Auschwitz while. hidemyass screenshot