Sunday, October 31, 2010

Social Cleansing? About Time!

The synthetic hysteria of the BBC Left chateratti this past week over housing benefit has been very instructive.One moron from Shelter or some other shouty group for the so called disadvantaged came out with the startling observation that people who lived in these expensive over subsidised inner London dwellings were,quote,'real people'.Interesting.Does that mean that the people who actually work and cannot afford to live in such rich houses so have to commute into London and whose taxes support these thousands of idle parasitic specimens of social pathology are not 'real people'?I think they should tell us so we can get the matter sorted out.In the meantime all sensible fair minded peple can see the patently blatant unfairness of the present system where the hard working are the effective slaves and serfs of the non working,forced to keep them in the Manors to which they have become accustomed.Wasn't slavery supposed to be abolished centuries ago?

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