Saturday, October 30, 2010

Islam. An Existential Threat To Humanity

The West continues to bend the knee to tyranical Islam.Totalitarianism is given a free pass as long as it is garbed in religious dress.Strip away the thin veneer of Islamic peity and the ugly face of Fascism is revealed and it is on the march in a street near you.Creeping Sharia law threatens our liberties and it is akin to allowing Germans living in the UK to set up their own alternative legal system based on the ideology of Nazism.Would we allow Germany to bradcast propaganda on British soil during WW2? Why then do we allow Iran to broadcast Press TV from London -a country with developing nuclear arsenal that has threatened to wipe Israel from the face of the earth? A country moreover that is a failed pariah State which funds terrorism.

Instead of waging war on Islam we are waging war on anyone who criticises it.The religious so called hate laws are designed to silence all criticism of Islam and the evil anti human barbaric primitive nihilism at its core.The leader of this sick religion was a paedophile child rapist,serial killer and epileptic MohuMad,crazed leader of a death worshipping cult who if he were alive today would be serving a very long jail sentence.This psychopath is what millions of Muslims worship.Let them,but we must be free to expose the insanity they embody and the unholy war on reality they have waged against the rest of us.

Ridicule,critique,satire,cartoons,polemic,contempt, all these and more are perfectly justified weapons in the war against the cancer of totalitarian Islam.

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