Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Peasants Revolt Is Wat We Want

We are serfs ,feudal vassals of a mighty,tyranical despotic,tax-crazed out of control, super totalitarian State! Wat we going to do about it? Are we going to wait for the nice hog-tied Tories in the marriage of convenience called the Coition to save us? No one hold their breath there.

The liberal tail is wagging the Tory dog.Mad Vince with his anti Capitalist rhetoric is hardly going to free us UK tax slaves.Freedom will not emanate from parliament.That is where the tyranny is coming from.The British people should not expect their Socialist taskmasters to liberate them from the yoke of tyranny.They must do it themselves.Grass roots liberation, our own British Tea Party.

To give just a small hint about what such a revolt would entail we could mention witholding of council tax, TV licence, not filing self assessment tax return.Such things if done en masse could send a clear message to our slave masters in parliament.Employers would refuse to be tax collector for the government re Nat ins, not deduct VAT,not pay Corporation tax,Capital gains,business rates tax etc.

The last peasant revolt was very bloody.This will be a bloodless,velvet revolution.Non cooperation with the bully State.

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