Saturday, October 09, 2010

America,Prohibition Drug War Folly

I am a great fan of America but it shocks me that it can lock up so many of its citizens for drug possession and prostitution.That a country born in freedom could end up seeking to police people's souls and dictate what they can and cannot ingest is troubling.If we believe in a limited State we must be consistent and not then seek to wage war on people's choices however dumb they may be. It is for this reason that I think the war on drugs is insane,illiberal and a criminal waste of taxpayers money.There is so much hypocrisy too in that alcohol and legal drugs abound.

Prostitution may well be abhorrent but again the hypocrisy abounds.Marriage could be seen as glorified prostitution.The man brings home the bacon and the women provides sexual services. There is a financial element to marriage as testified by the legal alimony battles during divorce proceedings.It is not the role of the state to make people moral.Let each man work out his own salvation in fear and trembling (as the good book sayeth!).

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