Sunday, October 17, 2010

Marr and the Liberal State

Andrew Marr does not think much of bloggers.He thinks they are weird.(Has the man looked in the mirror recently?) He complains about their anonymity and thinks this contributes to the coarse and vituperative dialogue on the net.Perhaps he wants them to identify themselves so th thought police can come round and arrest them for thoughtcrime? They are anonymous because like samizdat the net provides a forum for people who cannot speak openly in public without the BBC like forces of political correctness, of which Marr is an obscene specimen,attempting to circumscribe their freedom of speech.

The sheer chutzpah of Marr and his ilk is breathtaking. The BBC has virtual hegemony of the airwaves and does so by compulsion by the State. The British people are forced to finance the corporation if they want to own a TV on pain of imprisonment. But this is not enough for Marr it would seem. He wants to put a stop to all the independent expressions of thought not officially sanctioned by the State.It is worth paying attention to Marr because in his person we see the soul of the liberal fascist laid bare.

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