Sunday, March 08, 2009

Roots Of Welfare State

The welfare state was founded on piracy,brigandige and plunder from the start.Private property and businesses were seized by force by the State and nationalised, reducing the hitherto independent sector to a miserable state of servitude and enforced public service.

How could a system based on coercion and brute force, pillage and appropriation lead to anything other than a Leviathan state and an erosion of civil liberties? Over night doctors were transformed from proud independent profesionals into serfs of the State,shackled hirelings ruled by government bureaucrats and arbitrary dictat. The self respecting doctors unprepared to prostitute their skills and talents to a Socialist system predicated on slavery and self sacrifice simply fled the country in what became famously known as the 'brain drain', leaving the suppliant remainder to relinquish their independence for a mess of State pottage.

THe social fall-out of the Welfare state has been equally calamitious.The family has effectively been nationalised, fathers supplanted by the mother State acting as surrogate.Girls can have babies on the State,be provided with an ersatz family structure, council accommodation, food provision,child benefit rendering the male socially redundant, with the inevitable corollary of social breakdown,crime and juvenile delinquency.

Socialism cannot function without coercion for no one would willingly subject themselves to its tyrannical yoke.It is therfor a total violation of individual rights,a negation of liberty and freedom. Why then to this present day is Socialism still presented as a benign expression of the humanitarian impulse? Truly a triumph of presentation over reality!

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