Monday, December 11, 2017

Time to tell the EU where to put its 'negotiations'?

There comes a time when we have to acknowledge the elephantine creature in the  drawing room location wearing emperor's clothes commonly answering to the name of EU,(or the vernacular Brussels Bastards) -and tell it  few home truths.

We cannot negotiate with a bad faith partner who sees its chief role as humiliating scourge of the errant UK for daring to quit its dysfunctional loony tunes outfit of misbegotten collectivist fantasists o d'd on protectionist and supra statist delusions.

We think we better leave right now, we are getting weaker and weaker trying to reason with EU guys when all you want is to ensnare us in your serpentine games of smoke and mirrors,your byzantine Kafkaesque word games,semantic chopping conceits and all round linguistic circumlocutions.

Enough,we are out of here before you can say WTO,ready to embrace the sunny uplands of liberty,to inhale the intoxicating invigorating winds of change sweeping EU into the dustbin of history as we go as you fold like a pack of cards upon your own internal contradictions.

With a Nixonian flourish we have to tell you there will be no UK to kick around anymore,you will have to find someone else to milk to fund your bottomless appetite for danegeld - good luck with that one as Europe is near to bankrupt thanks to your shennanigans -'there's no money left,Germany is prostrate and its 4th Reich delusions will crumble like pie crust as they did before in the wastelands of Stalingrad all those years ago. France continues to be a basket case of leftist retards fighting the endless revolution and so on.

Bye bye,nice not knowing you!

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