Saturday, December 09, 2017

Theresa May wins Chamberlain Negotiation Prize

(Or: It's easy to join the EU but impossible to leave. Or: It was hard for us to join the Eu but even harder to leave).

Ve hav vays of making you stay in the Eu. When the hoopla and the smoke and mirrors of yesterday's staged euphoria have evaporated like a snowflake in sun we are right back where we started from.Stasis is spun as movement,  status quo as change.You can check out anytime you want but you can never leave...

Cynicism rules and what is abundantly  clear now amidst all the semantic prestidigitation of the faux negotiation terpsicorain go round (or dance macabre) is that when it comes to arrant chicanery and doublespeak, Westminster is  in every way Brussel's equal.

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