Monday, December 11, 2017

Shroud waving time at BBC Grenfell

There's nothing like a good vicarious wallow at the scene of a disaster to facilitate truckloads of finger pointing grievance mongering-left politiking-faux moral outrage -hand wringing and censorious posturing at the BBC - such a pity to let a tragedy go to waste after all.

Cue the BBC camped at the burnt out wreck of Grenfell, the perfect location upon which to launch its  lavish gruesome pity fest exercise in virtue signalling. The takeaway: the government is evil,probably plotted Grenfell to get rid of chav detritus,is unfeeling,uncaring - and lets have dollops of taxpayer's money to shower like confetti upon the poor victims of government larceny and callous insouciance at the grief of its despised underclass - yada yada yada (repeat to not fade).

Form an orderly queue at the vomitorium....

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