Saturday, January 31, 2015

Teachers overreach pay grade

Teachers in the state schools are government employees,not employers but you would not know it to hear them hold forth about school education policy.No employee in the private sector would be able to set terms and conditions and to effectively shape the business policy of the company which employed them yet time after time we witness the arrogance of the teaching profession demanding a free hand in the classroom to shape curicula and determine the examination process.

Heaven forbid any timorous attempt is made on behalf of the schools minister to shape the agenda and determine the educational direction, ethos and practice of the state education system which after all as the representative state employer he or she has the remit to do -for good or ill, as I of course do not advocate any state involvement in education and propose a totally free market,unregulated laisez faire privatised education system which alone will bring rigor,innovation to the sclerotic non achieving union dominated closed shop of state education.

But just witness the highly organized wailing and gnashing of teeth when any attempt is made to reform the corrupt union controlled state education system with its jobs for life ethos of mediocrity and dumbing down,where at a teacher's conference years ago the rational practice of teaching reading,phonics was dismissed as 'right wing,' and you see the extent to which the teachers have organized a defacto putch in the classroom, co opting the curicula with their own leftist agendas and so inflating grades that any pass is rendered meaningless and redundant which means condemning generations to the scrap heap of unemployability replete with a full compliment of a's and b's.

So the gov attempts to stop all this nonsense by refusing to recognise any exam results that are the product of multiple sittings which in the real world is eminently sensible.If Man Utd played West ham and lost would they be able to replay the match  as many times as it took to get a result in their favour?To ask the question is to see the insanity of the whole thing but of course the teachers are up in arms about it and why? Because bad results reflect badly on them and rightly so. Better by far to have the pupil take multiple shots at the exam until they get a half decent result.And give them dumbed down Micky Mouse courses that no one can fail and then equate them with academic work that actually requires the accumulation of knowledge and the application of effort and thought.This is the equivalent of a food company adulterating its product and passing it of as quality provender.Fraud in other words.Such is the sorry state of State education and no amount of tweaking and tinkering is going to address the fundamental malaise and corruption at its heart.

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