Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Kill those who hurt our feelings

Salman Rushdie once referred to muslims who cannot brook criticism and react violently to satirists as 'thin skinned rats' and one was on radio 4 Today prog this morning,a muslim businessman no less saying many muslims felt the Charlie hebdo journalists had it coming and were not sorry they were killed and more such things would happen because of the publication of that journal today featuring the prophet - piss be upon him - on its front page.

UK muslims like the abovementioned who have the emotional intelligence of a three year old should either go on an anger management course or leave the country but they have been emboldened by years of multicuturalism/excuse making for their delinquent attitudes and a compliant poodle press and media that even in the wake of the Paris atrocities refuses to print the cartoons. This despite such UK journalists complaining about the French poodle press in the past and priding itself on its courageous take no prisoners journalism.

The kindegarten world  the thin skinned muslims seek to create for themselves in ghetto like retreat from any criticism should be challenged head on, and they should be told in no uncertain terms that their emotional fascism will not be tolerated,their offence seeking whining self pity and taking offence at every perceived slight is their problem to solve through therapy but will not be the basis of any legislation , protection or censorship and if they cannot live in an open liberal society and if they cannot accept such then they should take themselves off to another country where such values are absent.

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