Saturday, January 17, 2015

Democracy the God that failed

If democracy is a religion then most people would appear to be aetheist as membership of political parties has plummeted,voter turnout has declined over decades and there is a febrile disontent amongst a majority of the electorate which is expressed in an admixture of cynicism  hostility comtempt and indifference.

The political establishment is nervous and expresses alarm and dismay but it is the narrow pecuniary vested interest concern of a class facing possible extinction.The only thing they can offer by way of a sop is more devolution,regional self rule which will just result in more layers of local government  bureaucracy and a reduction of the nation state to petty Balkanised fiefdoms.

Instead of challenging the philosophical root of democracy more tinkering is proposed which will not address the frustration of the wider public who for the most part do not understand the cause of their discontent themselves which is of course the destruction of liberty and individual rights implicit in the democracy paradigm itself.

Needless to say the main benefactors of democracy ie its administrators will not be enlightening them on the matter as their very existence depends upon the democracy scam continuing into perpetuity.The proverbial turkeys will be voting for christmas before that happens.

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