Saturday, January 10, 2015

Islam the Untouchable

In Islam there is no separation of religion and state and as such Islam is a political as much as a religious construct.The fact that there is no separation of church and state in the UK complicates matters and it is shameful that this is so and disestablishment should have happened but Christianity has been through a reformation and does not pose the threat to civilization as unreformed  Islam does.

The point is that in Islam we are not only dealing with a deranged religion but a deranged political construct and whilst we may mistakenly make excuses for the first most people would not tolerate a political group with such fascist views but under the cloak or religion Islam gets away with it.This must no longer happen .It is flying under false flags.The creeping shariaisation like a slow moving cancer through Western liberal countries should have woken people up to this danger a long time ago and there are no excuses for burying our heads in the sand any longer.

The conclusion is obvious,namely that as long as Islam is unreformed it is incompatible with civilization let alone liberal democracy which puts it beyond the pale politically. In my next post I will highlight the reason we have got in this sorry mess with Islam in the West.

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