Friday, January 02, 2015

Churchill's U turn

Although excoriating socialism in all its works in 1945 Chuchill like a true conservative decided to accommodate this Nazi like evil and by 1951 when his party won back power from Labour he more or less continued with the socialist experiment on the British people, even increasing spending on the NHS and no attempt was made to reverse all the nationlisations that had occurred under the previous administration.It had to wait till 1979 before a tory leader in the shape of the redoubtable Thatcher reversed some of these catastrophic state controls, the intervening years seeing successive conservative governments continuing this appeasement and accommodation of socialism.

If ever proof were needed that in order to confront an ideology you need an ideology to do it this was it.The cowering tory pragmatists of the 50s and 60s were no match for the rabid ideologues of  Labour.So terrified of being accused of having an ideology to this day the tories will insist on being pragmatists as if this were any virtue when in fact it is responsible for destroying the freedom and liberty of the British people by refusing to offer an alternative to the toxic socialism of its supposed opponents.

This timorous cowardly refusing to confront the evil of the Left has had disastrous consequences in particular re the NHS and State education to this very day and continues to corrupt the polity.  

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