Thursday, January 22, 2015

Philosophy drives politics

 Our philosophy of life determines our political allegiance.Whether we think man is an end in himself or a means to the  lives of other men frames our politics.The left clearly sees man as a means to the  ends of  other men,with each sacrificing to each and this informs their social policy of tax and wealth redistribution.

This is implicit,rarely explicit for if they had to say whether they believe man is an end himself or a means to the ends of other men they would be very reluctant to admit the latter and would feel the need to rephrase the question as put in those stark terms it would make people feel uncomfortable.It is the premise that dare not speak its name -the idea that man is a sacrificial animal,a means to the ends of others whose wealth is to be appropriated for the common good,to provide for the improvident.It has to be dressed in coded language with emotive buzz words and mantra -like stock phrases that are designed to bipass the cerebral cortex such as the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

 Political discourse on poverty starts in the middle, on what should be done about  it with all the above premises explicitly excluded but implicitly informing policy decisions.Such premises are never challenged,the left has somehow won the argument without ever having it and the blame has to go to those who have allowed all these collectivist assumptions to go unchallenged.The unspoken enemy is of course altruism with its religious roots that are so embedded in our culture that to challenge them is to place oneself in the position of a heretic,anti Christ,beyond social discourse.No one has the temerity to stand up and point out that the collectivist emperor is wearing no clothes.

The very idea that the individual is nothing but a social construct,a human resource to be harvested for the good of mankind should be regarded as so abhorrent and anti human as to be beyond discussion yet such is the betrayal by the intellectuals this view is everyday currency and shapes policy across the board.Cannibalism of the individual is the dystopic endgame of democracy and from the intellectuals there is nothing but a deafening silence.

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