Saturday, January 10, 2015

Islam and Liberal Folly

The villains of the piece apart from Islam itself and the cause of its growth like a malignant cancer in the west is multiculturalism and political correctness.The left wing establishment has cow towed to minorities giving them effective untouchable status,has protected them from criticism with hate laws and curbs on free speech all in the name of tolerance and diversity.

As if all this were not bad enough we are now being told that the cause of terrorist atrocities such as in France is Edward Snowden for daring to expose what the state is doing to our personal data!We must give up yet more of our liberties in order to fight the terrorists whilst the authorities eschew profiling and put us all under suspicion.

Meanwhile toxic preachers inciting violence and fomenting terrorism are allowed to stay in the country in plain sight spewing their bile with impunity.


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