Saturday, December 29, 2012

To Continue

In order to be happy living in a Democracy you have to have the capacity to believe at least seven impossible things before breakfast,some of which are: a beleif that politicians and bureaucrats are wiser than yourself and know better what is good for you and your life than you do yourself.They know more about what sort of health care you should have,what of sort of school is good for your child,how much of your own money you should be allowed to keep,and what your money should be spent on.In other words you have to hold that you are not intellectually morally ethically equipped to handle the basic fundamental things of life and these should be decided by a system of majority voting.What sort of cretin and low esteemed person would hold such a delimiting pejorative craven low view of their own capacity and worth that they would tender out to a third party with it must be added highly dubious credentials untested by any rational reality based criteria the right to make the most important decisions pertaining to their life?The answer is of course in the question yet this is the very system deemed the highest evolution and flowering of human development and one to be fought for and defended across the globe at no expense.It is a damnable lie and Democracy is nothing less than the enslavement of the many by the many for the many. Such is where we are today.

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