Saturday, December 01, 2012

Palezinians -Mythical People?

Look,what I know about the Middle East when it comes to all the fine historical details could be put on a postage stamp but I do understand morality and ethics and on these grounds it is obvious beyond any doubt that the right is on Israel's side 101% and counting.If I seize my neighbour's back garden and claim I did so because it was not really theirs but was 'occupied territory' and if I repeat that a million times does it then become the truth? Hitler did say if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth and this is what the Palezinians are counting on.They have fooled the so called international community at the UN -a 'cess pit of racism' as Israel called it and millions of dupes around the world have bought the lie that the Palezinians are the victims when they clearly are the perpetrators of all the violence and terrorism and are a malevolent cancer in Israel's back yard.Normally you treat cancer with radical chemo-therapy do you not?The UN has just acknowledge the fictional Palezinians as a concept and potential State and this is an egregious act of provocation on the part of this misbegotten dysfucntional delinquent organization comprised as it is of criminal States,corrupt regimes,racist loonytune barbaric countries who barely have the rule of law in any meaningful sense and yet are passing judgement on the only civilised democratic country in the whole of the middle East namely Israel.Pure madness.Well done Israel for pledging to build more houses on your own land which the lying bastards have misnamed Hitler fashion 'occupied territory'.Yes those filthy Arab Paleswinians must have their Lebensraum mustn't they -even if it means as they have openly pledged, to push Israel into the sea to get there.Build away Israel,build proud,build strong,live long and prosper.

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