Monday, December 24, 2012

How To Live In An Irrational World?

It may not be a malevolent universe but the vast proportion of the human race is clearly not rational or logic abiding so for those who are it can sometimes seem an alien strange world to negotiate.The blogosphere has its consolations but its very strength is its very weakness in that millions can now express and share their thoughts in a way that was heretofore the preserve of the fifth estate but conversely in such a crowded arena the chance of getting your message out to a wide audience can seem beyond daunting.How can one compete with some idiot pretending to ride a horse and mouthing some incomprehensible gibbersih about 'gan man style' or whatever it is who apparently has now had one Billion visitors to his site.Try on the other hand waking people up and telling a few home truths and you are luck if, like me, you can garner fifty visitors a day(from such far flung places as Laos,Latvia and Slovakia apparently according to my stats).I am not complaining (right!), its a free market of ideas and views so if if the people want to remain asleep and stay on a shallow level of junk entertainment fine but then one questions if there is much point in talking to yourself and wasting your energy on here.So expect less postings as I attempt to chanel my wasted energies into more profitable pursuits from now on(Happy Christmas!)

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