Saturday, December 29, 2012

How Does An Individual Live In A Democracy?

With great difficulty.A bit like how does a Jew live in Nazi Germany.When the whole culture is antithetical to your deepest beliefs and values it is agony to have to listen to all the claptrap, all the leftist drivel that spews out of just about everyone's mouth and infests all public discourse.The boundaries and parameters of what is respectable have been delineated in stone and anyone who crosses the parameters is a leper,a madman or a fool according to all the received wisdom of the day.This subtle totalitarianism of thought is all pervasive and is like a cancer running through the body politic.People's minds and bodies have been captured by the prevailing orthodoxy and the suffocating air of unchallenged assumptions hangs over the polity like an oppressive pall,stifling discourse and delimiting it to the expression of stale socialist collectivist bromides that no one truly believes but holds to like a desperate chanted mantra to cover the fear and horror of having to contemplate the opposite,namely freedom and liberty - a dangerous subversive idea that may frighten the horses and bring the whole stinking corrupt morribund depraved Democratic tyranny crashing down.

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