Sunday, December 30, 2012

Insufferable Inverted Sneering Snobbery Of The Left

Will Self the sneering arrogant left 'intellectual'is at it again on the radio -public service BBC don't you know sneering at the aspirating middle classes and the proliferation of food outlets and broadening palates of the British people.It has taken their minds off the class war he and his kind like to foment and disseminate,it has given them choice in the place of what he clearly favours the stark choicless fare of totalitarianism and its command 'economy'.Oh the multiplicity, the superfluity and the sheer abundance of choice in the food basket is more than this sqeamish small minded sensitive little Socialist Self can handle.How offensive to see people spoilt for choice,not having to grub around for presumably, State rationed scraps of provenance, but free rather to roam far and wide across the culinary ethnic palate exploring and broadening their horizons as they go.No - as Mr self is keen on interjecting,let them eat Socialist bread and be content with it.Bah humbugger,Will,get thee to North Korea.

1 comment:

niconoclast said...

Mr Hitchens recently scorned my claim that he had a pathological hatred of individualism born of past Communist flirtation yet here he is excoriating the 'cult of selfishness and personal autonomy'in language that has sinister Leninist resonances.Apart from anything else it is a sentence of evident contradiction.A cult is the very antithesis of self autonomy as it denotes a slavish unthinking adherence to groupthink.Never mind,at least he has laid bare his psychopathology and left no room for any doubt about his contempt for personal freedom and liberty.