Thursday, December 06, 2012

Ozzie Osbourne Despatches Pipsqueak Evan Davis

Fine performance from the Oz on the today prog as he swatted away the noisome fly Evan Davis with his impertinent, rude,aggressive,petulant, tendentious, biased and abusive partisan interrogation tactics.Georgy boy was having none of it and would not let the girly Evan get away with any egregious statement whatsoever.Brauvra performance from this very slick and able minister.He also managed to character anhiliate the stammering foot in mouth Ed Balls-up after his appalling and embarrassing, faltering, gaffe riddled train wreck of a speech in the commons yesterday.It was like shooting fish in a barrel but this obnoxious conscience free zone bruiser Balls has had his come uppance coming for a very long time now and yesterday and Today, he got it.

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