Friday, December 28, 2012

Mrs Bill Gates -Dumb Cow

What an irritating woman is Mrs Bill Gates.On the radio telling us all about her good works.Puke worthy.Nothing about the genius that is Bill Gates,the innovator,the creator and spreader of wealth and jobs and happiness,inspiration,invention.Oh no, nothing about the core values that go up to make this special man.Just how she is giving all his vast wealth to the godforsaken Africans in their mud huts.If she thinks this is inspiring she could not be more wrong. Giving other people's money away,what poverty of thought this betokens,what depravity of mind,what parasitic mindlessness this manifests.The only values are those achieved by work and achievement.Philanthropy is the lowest of all human actions or near the bottom.It takes a lifetime to achieve values and wealth and virtue.It takes one day to squander it all on so called good works .Giving to the undeserving and the needy is only something a second hander,a worthless person with no self esteem would waste their time on.Sad Mrs Gates,why don't you go and get a life or try achieving something instead of indulging in your puking vicarious philanthropy and spare us your self satisfied trumpeting of your neurotic do goodery.

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