Saturday, July 22, 2006

Time To Face Facts Islam is The Cancer

All around the world mosques have sprung up preaching their Nazi propaganda and we have done nothing about it.They threatend the life of Salman Rushdie and we did nothing about it.Like Nazi Germany we thought we could appease it.Now people are beginning to see that there can be no possible accommodation with Islam in the West.It is time to deracinate the Muslims from Europe.They have a vast expanse of lebensraum in the East.We have let their cancer spread to the West.Now it is time for radical surgery.


Anonymous said...

I am afraid your plea is more likely to be greeted with a visit from the police rather than support from the people.

I suspect I am in a minority in respecting your right to express what many are probably thinking.

niconoclast said...

A chap is doing six months for standing outside a mosque and arguing what I am here.Is that scary or what.

lostkitty said...

Thing is, this chap would have been called anti-semetic and also arrested if he said this infront of a synagogue about Jews. The same would have resulted if he had said it infront of a church about Christians.
Being against a 1/5 of the worlds population because of the violent actions of a few is silly.
I am all for freedom of speech - but that does nto mean u can go around calling people a cancer.

Mayb u could actually do some research first and learn something about Islam - from someone who is actually a proper Muslim.

Galileo said “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.”
Go discover Islam.

niconoclast said...

I will do some more research on Islam.I am interested in learning more about deranged mental states and your blog provides a wealth of material...

lostkitty said...

Glad to be of sevice - pls let me know if you have any queries.

Though understanding does require an open mind - think u can manage???