Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Philanthropy and Capitalism

If Buffet and Gates want to give away their money to good causes that's fine by me.Nothing wrong with philanthropy -as long as it is practiced between consenting adults.It's that pseudo philanthropy of governements that I despise.Giving away of other people's money -and getting a warm fuzzy feeling from it -isn't that the liberal MO?

Of course only the Capitalist system facilitates this big uncoerced giving.When governements get in on the act it is always ham-fisted,misdirected,innappropriate -and lets face it- downright criminal.The difference beteeen a redistributive egalitarian leftoid and a bank robber is only one of scale and degree,not kind.

Prezza like all his kind, refuse to acknowledge the difference between earned and plundered wealth.He compared his wealth to Hezza's completley ignoring the fact that the latter acquired his vast wealth through industry on the free market -not by sucking or gorging on the public teat. Subtle difference,huh?


Sky Captain said...

If I was planning to give 37 Billion away, I would make 37,000 poor people into millionaires, on a case by case basis.

Anonymous said...

And within a year or two, I fear that the majority of those 37,000 poor people would be poor again.

We all enter this world naked and without a bank account. Some amass fortunes, and some stay penniless, and the reason lies between their ears, not in the generosity of a welfare state or the beneficence of a kindly socialist.

niconoclast said...

Yes.Take all the poor people and house them in a mansion and a year later go back,the place will be trashed ,they will swinging from the chandeliers...

you can take the poor out of poverty but you cannot take poverty out of the poor. Wow. A Niconoclast original!

Sky Captain said...

Funny.I've made next to nothing in my life.
I've been screwed out of a couple of multi-million-pound inventions by scum, but it's okay, I've got a council flat and drive a truck for a living.
I know what's between my ears and it is good stuff.
The problem is that this crappy country(yes, I want to leave)is run by and for precisely those bastards that do the stealing, ruling, lying and killing.
Only they do it rarely and quietly, by degree so as not to frighten the children.

niconoclast said...

Nil illigitma carborundum.You will achieve supremacy.Triumph here in the UK.Just give up resentment!