Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How To Spot A Jihadist

You can't.He could be standing next to you right now.A work colleague,someone you see down the pub.We hear it every time there is a terrorist outrage.They go to the neighbourhood and the inhabitants all say with wearisome predictability: 'he was just a normal regular guy,kind to children and animals,helped at the local charity,always a freindly greeting....'

This is the nature of a sociopath.They blend in.They perfect social skills.But behind closed doors they perfect their Jihadism.They access extremist muslim hate sites on the internet,build their explosives,get spiritual counsel from their local mosque,validation for their nothingness and non self esteem.

What better way for a nothing insignificant little nobody to bolster self esteem by beleiving that he can be a representaive of the one who created the cosmos?Thus are cults born and its footsoldiers recruited.

Suicide is now given a noble gloss.Instead of the squalid action of a loser it can be elevated into an act of brave martydom.Like all suicides who dream of taking others with them the suicide bomber can now achieve this goal -and receive multiple sexual partners in the next world for his sacrifice.

We only collude in such psychotic delusions by dignifying this phenomena with the term 'religion'.

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