Saturday, May 05, 2007

Welcome Trend

Is the tide turning against legalised infanticide? It out Herods Herod and now people are beginning to challenge this death cult. Certainly it should not be done on the NHS.

With now 6 million murdered the NHS stands for the National Hollocaust Service. In the NHS killing fields the death toll is probably double when all the botched operations, misdiagnoeses and bugs are taken into account. How many more homicidal maniacs a la Shipman are practising their psychopathy under Hippocratic cover?

The nurses have got above themselves too and act like doctor manques. A little nursing wouldn't go amiss but then service is a dirty word to Brits. Perhaps they don't like working under a Hippocratic oaf.

The NHS has a totemic significance for the British people because with the death of religion nature abhors a vacuum and they now worship the God of Medicine. Even though the shaky edifice is crumbling around them they cling to the rubble of the bankrupt Socialist 'free at the point of use' mantra even though its hypnotic thrall has long since ceased to work its magic and they end up paying for a compromised de facto pyramid scheme which had it been dreamt up by Big Business would have seen its architects locked up in the slammer for the duration.

Bevan the author of this instituional monstrosity is lauded and deified by Lefties. If the NHS is the monument to Socialism its critics are surplus to requirement. There it stands, in all its gothic horror, a fitting etipaph to a morally and spiritually bankrupt ideology.

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