Saturday, May 12, 2007

Racism, The Left's Dirty Secret

We usually think racism -a Left-coined term - is the preserve of the Right. But the Left has its own virulent brand of racism all the more toxic for being covert and concealed. The liberal hate that dare not speak its name of racism flies under the false colours of Anti-Americanism and Anti Israelism. Such is its sugar coated poison that an arrant knave like George Galloway can hurl brickbats at rightist racists and then come out with anti semitic bile such as: 'All roads lead to Israel' and roundly abuse George Bush with foul obloquoy as a mass murderer.He will then claim that he is not Anti American, just anti George Bush. But George Bush IS America, he represents its soundest values. To hate him is to hate America and all that is stands for and to be de facto, racist.

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