Sunday, May 13, 2007

Statist Assumptions Must Be Challenged!

Two givens that rile me most are the Health and Education Givens - ie, it is the government's job to provide us with a health and education service. If those two assumptions could be challenged by some party and roundly defeated we would be a long way towards turning this country around. Of course it is the socialist ideology of state altruism underlying it that needs to be taken on but there is no organised opposition to that whatsoever so we are stuffed for the forseeable future.

The old lumbering corrupt clapped out State machinery is going to be clunking along destroying the wealth of the nation for a long time yet.Communism may have died in Eastern Europe but its spirit is alive and kicking right here in our health and education systems like a malignant virus for which there is no antitdote.

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