Sunday, May 13, 2007


Altruism is ok when practised between consenting adults but watch out for Statist altruists who get some parasexual thrill from playing philanthropist with your money.Some unbounded diseased inverted egoism propels them to go on raiding parties to the midddle England heartlands pillaging all before them and then handing over their stolen booty to the non productive trolls who elect them to power up North.

Any radical conservative government would slash the State payrolls by a millionfold and those remaining would have their vote gently but firmly removed from them. Gerrymandering would be off limits. Millions of useless parasitic clients of the state would be robbed of their sustenance and the people unburdened of this fiscal drain.

No longer would state power lusters be able to get away with counterfeit virtue, to bask in the warm glow of unearned goodness. But for this to happen there would need to be some re education. The blogosphere is the tool of choice but whether it will be sufficient remains unclear right now. The MSM is like a juggernaut crushing all before it and it is manned by statist mentalities who will never let their status quo be challenged. Right now this roadblock appears insuperable. Is there anyone anywhere who will challenge the liberal hegemony and finish the Thatcher Project so fatally derailed and truncated by her Machievellian minions?

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