Saturday, April 07, 2007

BBC Mouthpiece For Terrorism

From Lord Reith to Lord Haw Haw the BBC is the conduit for every terrorist outfit it can give air time to. It mouths its propaganda and presents it as news. A smart bomb on Bush House is in order. Hopefully the Gaza correspondent who has been taken hostage will meet a grizzly end. Would we could send all the Middle East reporters there to be devoured by that which they have so uncritically embraced.


Roger said...

What do you mean "From Lord Reith to Lord Haw-Haw"? Lord Haw-Haw was nothing to do with the BBC.

Your comments are both disturbing and wrong. Your link to a news story about Iran is presumably intended to show the BBC's alleged bias. However, if you knew anything about either the history of Iran or that of the BBC, you would know that the BBC has played an ignominious role in Iranian affairs. Indeed, during the early 1950s when the popular nationalist Prime Minister Dr Mossadegh was in power, it did its utmost to destabilize his government, even going so far as to broadcast coded messages to his enemies who were cooperating with a CIA/MI6 plot against him.

Yes, the BBC has supported "terrorism" - state terrorism against the governments of foreign sovereign states such as Iran!

Sky Captain said...

And we must never forget that.