Thursday, January 18, 2007

BB Jade Is Brown Bread

Another side of Jade and it is not pretty. I never saw her original BB appearance and have only had the subsequent progs of her on Sky to go on where she has shown a presentable reasonable face. Now its the ugly side and I am relishing her eviction when she comes blinking into the spotlight and is confronted by the smoking rubble that was her career. Sponsors are pulling out. Who cares if Muslim terrorists are preaching in Birmingham mosques as revealed in a ch 4 programme the other night? We've got Shipla's spat with Jade to discuss!

Shipla.Now that is a class act. A clash of cultures? No. More like civilisation versus barbarism. A chav culling seems like the only sollution. If Goody and co are a microcosm of 21st century UK we have a problem Houston. And it is terminal.


niconoclast said...

I think I know grace, dignity, inner beauty, outer beauty when I see it. Shipla's got the whole package. Feelings? Feelings? Since when are we supposed to go by them?!

If you hung around instead of relying on 'snippets' you might benefit in your observations. You made the same snap ill informed judgement about the One Cosmos blog -proobably the most spiritually enlightened blog outside of FHU. I can hardly blame you for this as I am guilty of the same thing(not reading your posts fully!)

Shipla is surrounded by envy eaten mediocrities and the green eyed monster has come out to play. I have forgotten your gender or place of residence but believe me here in the UK Shipla is a blessed vision of true female perfection in a ccountry overtaken by the Jade Chav culture.

Sky Captain said...

Apparently hatred of quality is quite common here in England.