Saturday, January 13, 2007

Prison Reform

1. Don't call 10 years 'Life'. The word must be banished. At sentencing transparency must be paramount. Call it 10 years or whatever. Not 'Life'. This Alice in Wonderland approach to language in the criminal justice (ahem) system is part of the cancer that corrodes public trust.

2. NO OXYMORONS! ie, 'Open Prisons'. (This is really connected to 1. It that pesky language thing again). Murderers are placed in these 'open prisons' - and guess what? THEY ESCAPE! They rape, murder and they have offences of telephone number proportions. They haven't even served half their 'life' sentence!

3. Don't talk about 'returning criminals to civilian life'. THEY HAVE NEVER LEFT IT! They have more home comforts that your average tax paying Brit. (Ian Huntley has a DVD player. I don't!)

4. Don't talk about taking into consideration 'good behaviour'. Hello? Lets see if we can 'unpick' this. If Mr Criminal doesn't smash up his cell and attack other prisoners or wardens he wil be let out early? Where I come from we call this blackmail.

5. Get the psychobabblers and social worker wet nurses/enablers out of the judicial system. Their job appears to be to rationalise and excuse criminal behaviour with social worker mumbo jumbo. They are parasites on the system. What used to be called evil behaviour is now excused away as an illness.

6. No conjugal visits. (I don't get them!)

7. No drugs. We can send men to the moon but we can't stop criminals taking drugs?

8. No studying for sociology degrees. Let them sew mail bags.

9. No vists from imams for muslim criminals. (It reinforces their criminal mindset.)

10 Purge the judiciary of liberal judges.

11. NEVER allow criminals to vote!

12 Build more prisons! Use the money that is at present squandered on 'the Arts'. Or lottery money. Or sack some government bureaucrats.


Sky Captain said...

Any comments on the 'news' today?
Apparently we are now to be expected to make the Health Service more 'Islamo-centric'(their actual words).
Naturally the top hellth administrator that said this was a Moslem.

niconoclast said...

Surprised they haven't asked for muslim hospitals...

Raw Carrot said...

Wholeheartedly agree with your prison post.