Thursday, January 11, 2007

Socialism Cannot Be Reformed

The great Doctor Crippen thinks it can on his NHS blog. He might just as well try to put a plaster on a tumor. The Thatcherite atempts at reform were a mistake precisely for this reason. All it did was give capitalism a bad name. As that other great lady (Rand) once said: "The only compromise between food and poison is death".

But it is even more insidious because socialism gets a bail out. Had those reforms not been attempted NHS State Socialism would have been given its last rites long ago.

I am sure the busy man would never find his tortuous way to my lowly obscure blog, but if he did I would offer this advice: Take three Ayn Rands and see me in the morning.


Serf said...

If a class warrior, union dominated party had not come to power, the reforms might have led to something.

niconoclast said...

True. They did sabotage it.I still think the silk purse sow's ear principle applies.