Tuesday, January 23, 2007

CBB Update (More Intellectual Slumming 'Fraid..)

Dirk made an interesting observation. All the strife in the BB house has been caused by the women. They edited him out sharp after that. No doubt he would have ellaborated. But it sufficed. That man is so smart. He is a typical American who in a few words can sum up the whole situation with wit and panache. A Brit would take half an hour to do so and not be half as trenchant.

He took exception to the vile and creepy Clio hitting on him in an acutely unfunny embarrassing fashion which had it been the other way round would have been rightly described as harrassment or stalking. The mad Clio could see nothing wrong in what she had done and was trying to draw a parallel between her behaviour and Dirk's flirting with Shilpa. Not even in the same ballpark. I'm not into that banter but if it has to be done Dirk has provided a classic textbook illustration in the art therof. Style, humour,charm, and Clio: knowing boundaries. Americans respect people's space and expect the same. They are not space invaders (ok except Iraq -but they asked for it). This sad woman has blown it, and her cover. The nice UN peaceworker's mask has slipped and something very nasty and evil has been exposed.

The misandrist will say women may cause emotional spats but men cause wars! We would say women drive men mad and then they start the killing wars! Whatever the case it cannot be gainsaid, hell hath no fury like a woman Satan spawned.

I would like to continue but I have to go watch BB's Little Brother. (No, I don't watch the streamlining live. One has to draw the line somewhere.) Lastly, how Does Russel Brand get away with it? (He of BB's Big Mouth E4 10pm) His sole repertoire seems to consist of feeble jokes with illustrations of his self abuse. Perhaps the real question is ,why do I watch it? I suppose because his anarchic avante garde performance is spelbinding and without the scatology he can be genuinely and creatively funny, is my getout.


Raw Carrot said...

Thank God it's over. Maybe there'll be something good on TV now... Oh wait, it's Britain, it's the 21st century, and it's channel4 ;-)

Raw Carrot said...

...and I guess the normal BB will start soon?

niconoclast said...

Won't watch that. Full of nobodies! Maybe I should go on it?!

You missed Dirk though if you didn't watch. Gloriously UnPC. I am surprised they let his stuff go out. Perhaps he was arrested outside and is now helping the (Thought)Police with their enquiries....

I found mysself chanting as he walked out 'Dirk for President!'....